"Bring Down The Hammer!"
4216 Rise of Hephaestus (RoH)
Hephaestus (huh·fay·stuhs), was the Ancient Greek god of fire, blacksmithing, metalworking, sculpting, and volcanoes. He was said to have built early robots to help him move around on his crippled leg(s). Because of this, we use his name in our team name and use Greek words to name our robots.
FTC Team 4216 was founded in 2009. In 2011 we became known as Sons of Hephaestus. Then in 2013 we became a coed team and changed our name to Rise of Hephaestus. RISE (Robotics Inspiring Science and Engineering) is our original sponsor and local nonprofit that provides resources and funding for STEAM activities to primary and secondary students in the San Diego region.
We have participated in the following FIRST Tech Challenge games and seasons:
2023-2024 - CENTERSTAGE - robot: Chlookoptikó
2022-2023 - POWERPLAY - robot: Kykloma
2021-2022 - Freight Frenzy - robot: Sfyri
2020-2021 - Ultimate Goal - virtual season
2019-2020 - Skystone - robot: Aetos
2018-2019 - Rover Ruckus - robot: Onos
2017-2018 - Relic Recovery
2016-2017 - Velocity Vortex - robot: Talos
🏆2017 FIRST Festival of Champions Winner
🏆2017 Houston World Champions
2015-2016 - FIRST Res-Q
2014-2015 - Cascade Effect
2013-2014 - Block Party!
2012-2013 - Ring It Up! as Sons of Hephaestus
2011-2012 - Bowled Over! as Sons of Hephaestus
2010-2011 - Get Over It! as Toxic Intelligence
2009-2010 - Hot Shot! as Toxic Intelligence
We have participated in the following FIRST Tech Challenge games and seasons:
2023-2024 - CENTERSTAGE - robot: Chlookoptikó
2022-2023 - POWERPLAY - robot: Kykloma
2021-2022 - Freight Frenzy - robot: Sfyri
2020-2021 - Ultimate Goal - virtual season
2019-2020 - Skystone - robot: Aetos
2018-2019 - Rover Ruckus - robot: Onos
2017-2018 - Relic Recovery
2016-2017 - Velocity Vortex - robot: Talos
🏆2017 FIRST Festival of Champions Winner
🏆2017 Houston World Champions
2015-2016 - FIRST Res-Q
2014-2015 - Cascade Effect
2013-2014 - Block Party!
2012-2013 - Ring It Up! as Sons of Hephaestus
2011-2012 - Bowled Over! as Sons of Hephaestus
2010-2011 - Get Over It! as Toxic Intelligence
2009-2010 - Hot Shot! as Toxic Intelligence